High speed bandwidth connectivity to small business customers. Get It Now

General Settings

DSL IP Address Static - Call Us
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS
Dial Connection Type PPP
Hardware Handshaking ON
Communications Parameters 8 bits, No Parity (None), 1 Stop bit
Modem Speed
57600 (for 56 kbps)
38400 (for 28.8 kbps)
19200 (for 14.4 kbps)
Email Account Name and Password The same as your login username and password unless you have made provision for extra mailboxes
Domain Name qx.net
E-mail Address username@qx.net
POP3 and SMTP Hosts
Incoming: mail.qx.net
Outgoing: mail.qx.net
WWW Home Page
Webmail - Standard https://mail.qx.net